

The success of an organization is underpinned by its people and by ensuring they are effectively trained to operate in volatile or high-risk environments. Safenet believes training is an essential element of both capability and duty of care. This drives our approach and ensures that we work with our clients to provide the highest quality and most relevant training for their needs.

Safenet offers training solutions for corporations, executives, NGOs, governments and emergency services, as well as military and law enforcement personnel. Highly experienced trainers teach courses. Safenet’s trainers combine current methodology with contemporary operational experience, and courses are continually reviewed and updated to ensure their relevance and adherence to standards of best practice. The Safenet training division offers corporate security, executive awareness, security management, counter-surveillance, counter-kidnap and crisis-simulated incident training. Safenet provides training in military and law enforcement, Special Forces and stability operations

Safenet’s Strategy towards training:

  • Develop a succinct, technically advanced and comprehensive curriculum for the environment
  • Provide superior courses of instruction that will include a training schedule, program of instruction, outline, course certifications and lesson plans
  • Provide the best in class of expatriate and local interpreters to train, educate and certify students in basic skills, problem solving and decision making
  • Provide the foundation for the required competencies through the estimate process
  • Provide operational applications of competencies with relevant scenarios based on the client's area of operation
  • Provide advanced education and certification

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